These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
I am often asked for my recommendations for specific yoga related products, so I decided to create a page to share them with you. These are all products that I use or have read, so they are true honest recommendations. I will receive a very small commission from Amazon if you choose to purchase through the provided link, so please know how grateful I am that you are helping my small business thrive. Please click on the image to be taken to the item.
Yoga Props
Yoga Mat
JadeYoga Harmony Yoga Mat
Yoga Strap
Slim Panda Yoga Strap for Stretching
Woven Mexican Blanket
Yoga Block
Manduka Foam Yoga Block
Gaiam Yoga Bolster
Yoga Block
Small light travel yoga blocks
Yoga Block
Manduka Cork Yoga Block
Zafu Cushion
Mindful and Modern Velvet Meditation Cushion
Knee Pads
Gaiam Yoga Knee Pads (Set of 2)
Yoga Books
Energize Your Life: a chakra workbook for personal transformation
Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice
JoyFull: Cook Effortlessly, Eat Freely, Live Radiantly (A Cookbook)
Embodied Self Awakening: Somatic Practices for Trauma Healing and Spiritual Evolution
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying
Threads of Yoga: Themes, Reflections, and Meditations to Weave into Your Practice
Unravel the Thread: Applying the ancient wisdom of yoga to live a happy life
Tantra of the Yoga Sutras: Essential Wisdom for Living with Awareness and Grace
Ayurveda for Life: A Beginner's Guide to Balance and Vitality
Yoga and the Pursuit of Happiness: A Guide to Finding Joy in Unexpected Places
Yoga Accessories
RAD Centre Myofascial Release Ball - Soft Therapy Ball
FeetUp - The Original Yoga Headstand Bench
YogaToes® Classic Sapphire Blue: Toe Stretcher & Toe Separator
Lotus Weighted Lavender Eye Pillow
Massage Therapy Ball Set - for Yoga, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy and Myofascial Release
Yoga Mat Bag Large Yoga Sling Carrier with 4 Pockets Fits All Size Mats